Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Call of Duty Guides welcomes you!

Hi guys, this is the first ever consolidated post about the Call of Duty game franchise. I would like to welcome you in the endless frag fest phenomenon that has influenced gaming since 2003.

I have been a true fan of the series over the release of the first Modern Warfare game as it has very addicting multiplayer that is unmatched even by sulking myself in countless hours of its rival game Battlefield 2. I have been playing for 5 straight years although with just entry-level PC gaming gear, I managed to get a 1.81 KDR. I know its not that good for a pro gamer, but this game has been stuck to me ever since.

The franchise has been widely accepted by gamers all over the world since its October 29, 2003 release of the first game by Infinity Ward. It then took the lives of many gaming fans that love the first person shooter genre to another world. But it got better acceptance on its first COD 4: Modern Warfare title which was released late 2007. Its trademark game feature was the killstreaks whereas it rewards players of additional support like UAV, Airstrikes, and Attack Helicopters to get more kills. Ever since, it was revamped, improved and copied upon by other games yet only this game can cater to its staggering-pace of gameplay and reward system.

The game was based on a Quake 3 Arena engine. It has a slightly similar pace of battle but with real classic, modern, and future (Black Ops 2) weapons. Graphically wise, it has been just stagnant whereas you can even play them over 4 year old PC's with entry level GPU's.

I have played Counter Strike, Quake 3 and other FPS's but none could give me the same fast-paced gameplay with a unique reward and levelup system to date. I created and will create more guides to get you an edge over the competition or simply just starting to setup your game to play on dedicated servers. Let's get in on!

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